Start Somewhere

Start Somewhere

Remember that all pros were once beginners. You have to start somewhere to become great. Don’t be discourage if you couldn’t get your last rep/set up in your workout, always comeback and try again.

Be inspired


Do you ever get those moment of silence where you stared out at the window and your mind drifts off far away? I recently had that and I was day dreaming what success really is and how we differentiate jealousy and inspiration. Earlier this week, I met a gorgeous Hot Import model at a fast food restaurant in my local area; she announced to me it was her 25th birthday. Her age mind boggled me because she’s successful and living life full of joy at such a young age. In my mind, I thought “Man, I want that life.” And then I had another thought, and it was my progress of my body transformation. I trained my f***ing butt off for my body and It got me to a certain satisfaction; now I want more because I’m hungry for it. Suddenly, I realized that whether what goal we’re aiming for, we can either be jealous or be inspired. It’s like joining the dark or light side. We choose which side to be on – jealousy or inspirational. I choose to be inspirational and work my butt off. If I became jealous, I wouldn’t put much effort in my goals; simply, I would become idle or more likely become a “hater.” So I made my decision and I choose to pay it forward, be inspired and inspire others to help them achieve their goals. I don’t want to live my life full of jealousy and hatred, I want celebrate my life with excitement and joy. This makes me excited for the future and wonder where I will be in life. Who knows, only time will tell.

Thanks for reading, stay tune for more blogs! Train hard and stay sexy!
– Jonathan Huynh